Afghan Biscuits

Hey folks! It’s been far too long between meals for us; looking after a small human doesn’t allow a lot of time for baking. However, now that Little Master Theo has decided to sleep a little more, I’ve been able to spend some long overdue time in the kitchen! I made these Afghan biscuits for Valentine’s day because nothing says “love” like butter, brown sugar and cornflakes. They have a high butter content which ensures a delicious melt-in-your-mouth consistency. Don’t be fooled by the name; these little morsels actually hail from New Zealand.

Ingredients: 250g butter (softened), ¾ cup brown sugar, ¼ cup cocoa, 1 2/3 cups plain flour, 2 ½ cups cornflakes & walnut halves. Icing: 1 ½ cups icing sugar, 2 tablespoons cocoa & 2 tablespoons hot water. Approx. 20 biscuits.


  1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees. Line two baking trays with baking paper.
  2. Beat butter and sugar together until light and fluffy. Add cocoa and flour. Beat on low speed until combined. Stir in cornflakes (slightly crushed – I just used my hands).
  3. Roll tablespoons of mixture into balls and place on baking trays. Make sure you don’t crowd the tray as they will spread.
  4. Cook for 16-18 minutes or until just firm to touch. Allow to cool completely.
  5. Icing: sift cocoa and icing sugar into a bowl. Add water and stir until smooth. You can always add extra icing sugar if the mixture is too runny or vice versa.
  6. Spoon icing onto biscuits and top with a walnut halve. Allow to set for an hour before eating.

Enjoy! More baking soon!

Bri xx